Danielle Dimston, Patricia Fabricant, Gordon Fearey, Russell Floersch, GJ Kimsunken, Sirikul Pattachote, Benjamin Pritchard, Christopher Stout, Jason Yung
April 14th, 2021 – June 27th, 2021
VIRTUAL OPENING RECEPTION: Wednesday, April 14th, 7pm–8pm
Email contact@sfaprojects.com to RSVP and receive link to reception
Gallery Hours: Fri-Sun, 1pm-6pm (and by appointment)

30×40″ ( 2 panels), oil on canvas
SFA Projects presents The Elements of Pattern and the Spaces in Between, a group exhibition of works by Danielle Dimston, Patricia Fabricant, Gordon Fearey, Russell Floersch, GJ Kimsunken, Sirikul Pattachote, Benjamin Pritchard, Christopher Stout, and Jason Yung. The exhibition considers the elements of patterns by presenting contemporary works featuring line, form, texture, color, and space.
By isolating each of the elements that traditionally combine to produce patterns the presentation may, as a whole, be viewed as a pattern in itself, where visitors may step inside the pattern while contemplating the marks and forms that comprise it.
The exhibition also looks at patterns in a behavioral sense, and highlights the visual language patterns employed by each artist that help to define their studio practice and identity. Each of the participating artists have a consistent thread — a studio pattern — that ties one painting to the next and to all of the paintings before them, culminating in what can firmly be described as a body of work.
This deconstruction and reconstruction of pattern provides an exciting opportunity for meditative contemplation of simplicity within complexity

24×18″, gouache on panel

60×100″, oil on canvas

20×22″, acrylic, graphite and modeling paste on canvas and canvas construction

36×24″, oil on canvas

40×26″, watercolor and indigo on paper

60×40″, oil on canvas

30 x 30 x 4″, hand and machine sewn “abstract quilt” affixed on panel, seam side out, and finished with oil and enamel

12×16″, acrylic on canvas, LEDs, arduino
Visit rectangle.art for information about the artwork

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